Whimsical Purple Fluorite and Amethyst Pendulum

My pendulum finally called me to assemble it, and I am delighted with how it came out. The wire wrap on the weight really captures how I feel when I’m being led in a vision; flowing, sweeping waves of imagery and undulating spirals carrying me deeper into the unknown. Normally the lack of symmetry would be something I would vehemently avoid,  but for this piece, it felt right to just let the wire move the way it wanted to. It’s surprisingly well balanced and intuitive, and though I am just starting to get a feel for her, I believe she will become a beloved part of my Divination practice.

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Purple Fluorite enhances intuition and brings order out of chaos. Purple Fluorite dispels negative energy and then re-energizes the atmosphere. Purple Fluorite is excellent at increasing one’s mental capacities and inspiring creativity.

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Amethyst connects the physical plane with higher realm, making it a good choice when working with the Third Eye Chakra. Amethyst also provides a wonderful peaceful energy for meditations, and helps with developing intuition and psychic abilities.  Amethyst opens and activates the Crown Chakra as well, allowing easier access to the divine. Amethyst enhances spiritual awareness and spiritual wisdom, promoting a higher state of consciousness. Amethyst clears and repairs holes in the aura and draws in Divine energy, as well as aligning and fostering cooperation between the energy bodies.

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Although Opalite is a man-made ‘crystal’, it still, nevertheless, holds plenty of beneficial properties.  Opalite is useful in meditation partly because it gives off a calming and relaxing energy, but also because it is associated with opening up the third-eye chakra, which is the chakra of intuition, insight and vision. Because of this, when placed over the crown chakra, it is said to induce visions and enhance psychic powers. Though opalite is an aid to communication on every level, it is particularly beneficial for communication on a spiritual level. As such, opalite can also help communicate to and receive messages from the spirit world, as well as help interpret those messages and visions.

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Silver releases the emotions and encourages proper expression of feelings. It promotes generosity and empathy. Silver helps us to become more flexible mentally or to remain so and to let go of influences and dependencies, particularly if these go hand in hand with feelings of helplessness.  The imagination and the ability to visualize are all stimulated by silver… Silver also helps maintain control and balance on a psychic level.

Healing Gemstones: Diabetes

032I was first diagnosed with diabetes when I was just shy of 20 years old. At first, diet change, and a low dose of medication did the trick, and for over 15 years, my diabetes was under control by even my doctor’s standards. Of course, I got older, and when I hit the ripe “old” age of 35, my diabetes became harder and harder to control. My doctor increased my oral medications, and when that didn’t work, she put me on insulin.  First we tried Lantus, a 24 hour insulin, and that worked well for a short time.  But then, two years ago, my blood sugar began to spiral out of control, and nothing we tried helped.

In December, I had finally had enough. I was tired of feeling sluggish.  I was tired of the urinary tract infections. I was tired of thinking about what my high blood sugars were doing to my body.  That’s when I decided that I needed to try something a bit less traditional.


These two pictures show the my average glucose reading before and after the regular use of the 5 healing gemstones. I am taking the same medications, eating the same foods, and am maintaining the same activity level. In fact, I have had to reduce my medications, as I’ve had several kinda scary brushes with low blood sugar that I wasn’t too eager to repeat.

I began to do research, taking what I knew about the healing properties of gemstones and putting it to use. I put together 5 stones that I thought would be beneficial, I prepared a ritual and a organza pouch, and I took control of my disease. Continue reading

Labradorite ~ The Seers Stone


Lore of the Inuit peoples claim Labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, an ordinary stone that transforms to the extraordinary, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms. It is, in every sense, a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. For self-discovery, it is excellent for awakening one’s own awareness of inner spirit, intuition and psychic abilities.

Labradorite is a crystalline form of Feldspar, often gray in composition but known for its “flash” or “flame” when it catches the light. When polished, dark gray Labradorite flashes with colors deep within, including blue, green and gold.

Highly mystical, Labradorite heightens intuition and enhances psychic abilities, making it great for working with the Third Eye Chakra. Intuition and intellect are balanced by Labradorite, illusions are dispelled and true intentions are seen more easily with its use. Labradorite is also very protective against negative energies, balancing, strengthening and protecting the aura and sealing the aura from energy leaks.

Labradorite is a stone of transformation and change. Labradorite enhances strength of will and feelings of inner worth. It is useful for bringing up and healing old memories, including past life issues. Labradorite can also help prepare the body and soul for ascension.

Labradorite can aid in communicating with our highest self and with the creator. It helps to assists when facing and navigating all types of changes and challenges, attracting strength and perseverance. Labradorite is one of the best stones to use when dealing with any type of addiction or to break unhealthy (physical, mental, etc.) habits.

Meditation with Labradorite

labradorite-gemstone-obelisksMeditating with Labradorite allows one to recognize humanity as “being of light,” transcending limitations of the past and thoughts of the future, and embracing the infinite possibilities of the moment. It allows one to “be” and rest assured the light is always there, surrounding and pure.

This simple meditation consists of focused breathing. (As a reminder, the natural way to breath is to push your diaphragm out while inhaling and to contract it while exhaling.) Inhale to the count of eight, and then exhale to the count of eight.

At first, focus on counting. This will help to dissolve the hold of distracting thoughts. As you continue to inhale and exhale, be aware of the passage of breath through your body. As you inhale, visualize it coming up through your feet and leaving through the crown chakra at the top of the head. Reverse the process for the exhale. If you prefer, imagine your breath coming in through the top of your head and exiting through your feet, again reversing for the exhale. Your awareness of the movement of breath is the main feature of this meditation.

labradorite_bleue_top_1_madacascarAs you continue to practice this meditation over time and become comfortable with following your breath, begin to pay particular attention to the third eye. Imagine your breath activating the energy of this chakra. Visualize labradorite’s flash stimulating your intuitive abilities; allow yourself to travel through its colors. Feel them spreading throughout your being.

Do this meditation for five to fifteen minutes. If you continue to practice it regularly, you may find that you can ask a question and learn an answer that’s helpful, either while you’re meditating or some time later on.

Sleeping with Labradorite

One way to continue your exploration and to remain receptive to the answers that may come is to put a labradorite beneath your pillow at night. Before you go to sleep, tell yourself that an answer will come in your dreams.

For this method to be most effective, some training in dream recall is helpful.

The Witches Amulet

021Anyone who knows me, knows what a perfectionist I can be.  It’s both a blessing and a curse sometimes. This project was quite the reminder for me of how important it it to find balance instead of perfection.  I’ve been wanting to add a Labradorite necklace to my collection ever since I started my seminary class last year.  After all, it is known as the Witches Stone. 🙂 But a sense of urgency just wasn’t there.  I knew, that when the time was right, I would know. Continue reading

Moldavite ~ The Transformation Stone


Moldavite is a metamorphed variation of Calcite, and a stone of intense frequency and high vibration. In ancient times it was thought to be a mystical stone that could bring good luck and fulfillment of wishes.

These natural green crystals are powerful stones for transformation and is one of the best stones to use for psychic protection, as negative entities find it difficult to connect to your aura when you are wearing it.


Wearing this stone is an advantage when you are working with spirit… so you can be sure that what you are making contact with is of ‘the light’. One of its best assets is that it is a protective stone… and especially if you are working on developing psychic abilities. Using this stone in meditation is very powerful.

It’s Extraterrestrial Origins

moldaviteMoldavite is found in only one area of the world, the Czechoslovakian mountains. A meteorite of enormous size and incredible impact is known to have crashed in that region around 15 million years ago and this event is believed to have created melted material that fell to earth and created these beautiful green crystals.

All of the pieces of this crystal has been found in the Czech Republic, close to the area where this event occurred. This amazing stone was created by the heat of an extraordinary force most likely with more power than an atomic explosion.

The stones often have dark inclusions within them. It has been suggested that this may be a combination of meteoric matter and material from the area where it crashed, as the heat may have melded them together. Although some scientists believe it to be of extra-terrestrial origin, this cannot be confirmed.

How To Use Moldavite… How Will It Help You

moldavite06Its high energy makes it a ‘must have’ for any who are on the spiritual path. Often it is grouped with other stones of a high vibration and these combinations can be very powerful. This high crystal energy stone can be a powerful catalyst for making changes in personal relationships and circumstances.  Be warned, though;  Once you begin the journey there will be no going back.  Moldavite is a stone of transformation!

During meditation it may be used on its own or with other crystals as it will also raise the vibration of other stones that it is combined with. This will make the overall result much stronger.

A common outcome from its use is to help you to make contact with your spirit guides, and it has a powerful crystal energy that is known to stimulate occurrences of coincidence and synchronicity in your life.

Amethyst ~ The Sobriety Stone

A purple colored variety of Quartz, Amethyst forms as transparent to translucent crystals in all shades from deepest violet to pale lilac and white. Usually classified as a Lunar stone because of its power to influence the mind, dreams and the astral planes, Amethyst has been known to turn away bad luck, curses and negative energy. Most famously renowned for keeping its wearer free from drunkenness and excess, the stone can be used magically to keep you clear headed and free from unwelcome influences. It can balance logical reasoning and intuition in order to create a much deeper view of any situation.

The sacred stone of the priesthood, Amethyst can be worn by anyone who has spiritual or magical responsibility for others. Helps with meditation and makes a particularly good focus to concentrate on when you are learning this skill. Increases wisdom and spiritual power and helps make contact with higher guides and inspirational sources of creativity. It can often bring unexpected messages in the form of signs and strange coincidences.

Physically, Amethyst can help to alleviate headaches and migraines. It dispels nightmares and helps with insomnia. Amethyst can also reduce eyestrain, especially when working at a computer.

An Amethyst Dream Spell

Amethyst is good to use as an aid to encourage prophetic dreams.

You’ll need either an amethyst cluster or a smooth, polished amethyst stone you can hold.  At bedtime hold the amethyst and think or say:

“Send me the dream I should have, and tell me what I should know.”

Don’t try to control the dream by thinking about a specific issue. Let the amethyst do its job; don’t worry, it knows what to do. Then place the cluster on a beside table, or , if using a stone , put it beneath your pillow.  Relax and drift off to sleep. You should experience a clear dream. In the morning, record your dream and see if it comes true.

Calming Turquoise Jasper and Hematite Necklace ~ Available for Purchase

This lovely necklace was handcrafted with a Turquoise Jasper pendant, and framed with two Hematite & Sea Glass accent beads. Hematite tube beads, sterling silver wire and black leather cording finish off the piece.  The necklace is 24″, but can be adjusted to a shorter length by customer request.  You can visit my online store to purchase.


Turquoise Jasper is an African jasper that has a rich, turquoise color and a beautiful crystalline structure.  Some see it as a peaceful stone that promotes gentleness, tranquility, comfort, wholeness, and healing. It is often used to help stabilize and balance the emotions.  Hematite, sometimes thought of as a grounding stone, is said to aid clarity, balance, calm and reason.  Paired together in this necklace, these stone inspire a calm tranquility and clarity of thought in the wearer.

Tiger Eye and Desert Jasper Necklace

Last night, I finished my newest necklace.  I had wrapped my favorite of the piece of tiger eye that I tumbled months ago using gold wire.  It made a lovely pendant, but I never wear gold necklaces, so I did not have a chain to slip it onto. Ever since, I’ve contemplated what kind of necklace I wanted to make for it. I knew I wanted leather, not chain.  I also knew I wanted to include some wire work as well.  This is what I finally came up with…


The pendent is Golden Tiger Eye, and the accent beads are Desert Jasper with Bronze seed beads.  The necklace itself is brown leather chord with hammered wire wraps.  The piece actually clasps in the front using the accent bead spirals and has no traditional clasp.  It has an absolutely lovely energy, whether draped around my Tardis or clasped around my neck. 🙂

And now a little about the stones themselves:

Combining Earth energy with that of the Sun, Golden Tiger Eye draws Spiritual energy down to the Earth, while still keeping you centered here on the ground. Sunny Tiger Eye brings brightness and optimism to a situation, and shines insight onto problems. It can provide a boost of creative energy when confronting a problem involving will or concentration, as well as create a sense of balance to those feeling overly emotional or overwhelmed.

Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of  tranquility and wholeness.  It is a stone of protection, absorbing all types of negative energies.  Jasper is a stone of courage and determination. It can often help those who need more focus, organization abilities, and motivation to follow through. Jasper stimulates creativity and imagination, transforming ideas into action.

Gemstone Meditation

Stones speak to each person in a different way. Spend time with your stones and learn from them first-hand. They are by far the best teacher! This simple meditation is a great way to connect with the power in your gemstones.


Based on “The Stories of Stones” Meditation from Scott Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystals, Gems, and Metal Magic.

  1. Find a quiet spot.  Settle down comfortably before the stone. The stone should be within arm’s reach. Close your eyes and listen to your breath.  Breathe deeply and rhythmically.
  2. With your eyes still closed, hold out your receptive hand over the stone.  Don’t try and feel the stone’s energy.  Simply allow yourself to do so.
  3. When you can sense the stone, slowly pick it up and hold it in your receptive hand.  How does it change your mood?  Are you happier, energized, calmer, or relaxed?
  4. Now transfer the stone to your projective hand.  How does it feel?  Smooth or rough?  Warm or cool?
  5. Open your eyes and look at the stone, examining it while remembering the feelings and sensations you just experienced.
  6. Gaze at it for a while, as if seeing it for the first time. Note the shape, and imagine how it would feel to take that shape.  Note the color and let it expand to fill your entire awareness.  Imagine that you immersed in the stones energy.  Then listen and let it speak it’s truths to you.
  7. When you feel that you have learned as much as you are ready to receive, Lift it to the sky, thanking the Goddess for granting you the wisdom to learn from Earth’s gifts.  Then lower the stone and hold it to your heart center for a moment.  Thank the stone for staring its wisdom.  End by laying the stone back back on the ground, returning it to the earth. .
  8. After your meditation, look up the mystical qualities of your stone from a reputable source. See if it agrees with what you felt. It’s ok if it didn’t.  It’s possible the energy in your stone is as unique as the stone itself. Be sure to make notes about the experience in your Book of Shadows or Grimiore.