Amethyst ~ The Sobriety Stone

A purple colored variety of Quartz, Amethyst forms as transparent to translucent crystals in all shades from deepest violet to pale lilac and white. Usually classified as a Lunar stone because of its power to influence the mind, dreams and the astral planes, Amethyst has been known to turn away bad luck, curses and negative energy. Most famously renowned for keeping its wearer free from drunkenness and excess, the stone can be used magically to keep you clear headed and free from unwelcome influences. It can balance logical reasoning and intuition in order to create a much deeper view of any situation.

The sacred stone of the priesthood, Amethyst can be worn by anyone who has spiritual or magical responsibility for others. Helps with meditation and makes a particularly good focus to concentrate on when you are learning this skill. Increases wisdom and spiritual power and helps make contact with higher guides and inspirational sources of creativity. It can often bring unexpected messages in the form of signs and strange coincidences.

Physically, Amethyst can help to alleviate headaches and migraines. It dispels nightmares and helps with insomnia. Amethyst can also reduce eyestrain, especially when working at a computer.

An Amethyst Dream Spell

Amethyst is good to use as an aid to encourage prophetic dreams.

You’ll need either an amethyst cluster or a smooth, polished amethyst stone you can hold.  At bedtime hold the amethyst and think or say:

“Send me the dream I should have, and tell me what I should know.”

Don’t try to control the dream by thinking about a specific issue. Let the amethyst do its job; don’t worry, it knows what to do. Then place the cluster on a beside table, or , if using a stone , put it beneath your pillow.  Relax and drift off to sleep. You should experience a clear dream. In the morning, record your dream and see if it comes true.

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