Healing Gemstones: Diabetes

032I was first diagnosed with diabetes when I was just shy of 20 years old. At first, diet change, and a low dose of medication did the trick, and for over 15 years, my diabetes was under control by even my doctor’s standards. Of course, I got older, and when I hit the ripe “old” age of 35, my diabetes became harder and harder to control. My doctor increased my oral medications, and when that didn’t work, she put me on insulin.  First we tried Lantus, a 24 hour insulin, and that worked well for a short time.  But then, two years ago, my blood sugar began to spiral out of control, and nothing we tried helped.

In December, I had finally had enough. I was tired of feeling sluggish.  I was tired of the urinary tract infections. I was tired of thinking about what my high blood sugars were doing to my body.  That’s when I decided that I needed to try something a bit less traditional.


These two pictures show the my average glucose reading before and after the regular use of the 5 healing gemstones. I am taking the same medications, eating the same foods, and am maintaining the same activity level. In fact, I have had to reduce my medications, as I’ve had several kinda scary brushes with low blood sugar that I wasn’t too eager to repeat.

I began to do research, taking what I knew about the healing properties of gemstones and putting it to use. I put together 5 stones that I thought would be beneficial, I prepared a ritual and a organza pouch, and I took control of my disease. Continue reading

Stone Ritual Tools

There are many ways to incorporate Gemstones into your magical practice.  One of the easiest is to embellish your ritual tools with gemstone adornments, as shown in the image to the right.  As you can see, I’ve added 4 stones to my Spiral Wand, each with a specific purpose. tools The carnelian was chosen to ensure my wand is always charged with the warm, grounded energy Carnelian is known for. The Labradorite was a natural choice, as it is a Stone of Magic in every sense, and lends its wonderful magical properties to every thing I do.  I also added Hematite for its grounding, protective properties, and finished with Sunstone and Moonstone to represent the God and Goddess.

Though my Spiral Wand is my primary wand, I also use have a special wand I crafted just for use in Divination Practice, which I call my Oracle Wand.  The shaft is crafted from Selenite, a wonderful protective stone believed to shield a person from negative energy and dispel unwanted spirits while also allowing the user to connect with their guides, guardians, and Higher Self.  You can read more about the other stones chosen to embellish this wand in the original post.

chalice2An even easier way to incorporate Gemstones into your tools is to just select stone tools themselves.   Stone can be carved into many useful shapes, and stone offering bowls and chalices are plentiful and reasonably priced.  I have several stone offering bowls, with my favorites being my hand thrown clay bowls, and a gorgeous stone vessel carved from a slab of petrified wood (pictured above) that I recently acquired.  Petrified Wood helps us connect to Earth in very powerful way, and teaches us patience and helps us to understand how to allow life to evolve in perfection. Working with its grounding energies can encourage one to live life as a spiritual being within this physical realm.

I also have an Sardonyx Chalice that I like to use in ritual.  Sardonyx is a highly protective stone that embodies a vibration of happiness, optimism and confidence.  It supports discipline, willpower, motivation and strength of character. This makes it a good stone for anyone studying, or for tasks that require mental disciple, focus, and clarity of thought.

alter tileAnd of course, Alter Tiles naturally lend themselves to being crafted from stone slabs.  I selected my Alter Stone pictured right) because I wanted my Alter to be grounded in both my home and my heart; a stone born right in the very Earth I currently live in. A stone birthed in Alaska.

My Alter Stone is crafted from a type of marble called the Aurora Borealis Stone, a stone local to Hatcher’s Pass, just North of Anchorage.  The Aurora Borealis Stone can stimulate mental clarity, facilitate higher thinking, and activate inherent physic ability.  It’s mystical properties are thought to embody the power of the Northern Lights, and because of this, it’s energies are excellent for use in night magics, a plus in any Witch’s practice.

New Wands!

10 1/2″ Black Palm and Turquoise Jasper Whale Spirit Guide Wand ~ Currently available for Purchase


017Turquoise Jasper is an African jasper that has a rich, turquoise color and a beautiful crystalline structure.  Some see it as a peaceful stone that promotes gentleness, tranquility, comfort, wholeness, and healing. It is often used to help stabilize and balance the emotions.

021 (2)A whimsical Silver Whale and sea glass charm lends it’s energies to the Turquoise Jasper.  As a Spirit Guide, whales use the rhythm and patterns of sound to teach us to hear our inner voices, to be in touch with our personal truths, thus knowing wisdom and feeling the heartbeat of the universe.  Whale Spirit Guides can show you  how to go deep within yourself to stir your inner creativity and imagination. You will also be taught not to become too lost in your imagination but to live in the ‘real world’ – every day waking reality.

Black Palm originates in Southeast Asia, and is a wood naturally inclined toward magical energies. It is an excellent tool for encouraging positive changes, creating opportunities and accessing spiritual pathways. It is also good for deriving knowledge and power from natural surroundings.


8″ Rosewood and Peach Quartz Transcendence Wand ~ Currently available for Purchase

034Peach Quartz can help one to transcend the mundane aspects of life, to open up to the Divine, and to discover their true intent that is for the highest good.  Using Peach Quartz also helps to promote an understanding of how to connect one’s dreams to their reality.  Peach Quartz is wonderful for releasing energy blockages within the Sacral and Higher Heart Chakras.  The clearing of these blockages can help one to recover self-respect, independence, creativity, and sociability.  This property in Peach Quartz can also help one to release attachments to special love, clearing the way for understanding the concepts of unconditional and Universal Love.

Rosewood is one of the most prized woods in the world. Originating in Central America, this tropical hardwood is excellent for enhancing spirituality, tapping into healing energies, promoting change and blocking unwanted forces. Rosewood has a warm, loving energy which is known for it’s ability to help manifest your desires and dreams.

Moldavite ~ The Transformation Stone


Moldavite is a metamorphed variation of Calcite, and a stone of intense frequency and high vibration. In ancient times it was thought to be a mystical stone that could bring good luck and fulfillment of wishes.

These natural green crystals are powerful stones for transformation and is one of the best stones to use for psychic protection, as negative entities find it difficult to connect to your aura when you are wearing it.


Wearing this stone is an advantage when you are working with spirit… so you can be sure that what you are making contact with is of ‘the light’. One of its best assets is that it is a protective stone… and especially if you are working on developing psychic abilities. Using this stone in meditation is very powerful.

It’s Extraterrestrial Origins

moldaviteMoldavite is found in only one area of the world, the Czechoslovakian mountains. A meteorite of enormous size and incredible impact is known to have crashed in that region around 15 million years ago and this event is believed to have created melted material that fell to earth and created these beautiful green crystals.

All of the pieces of this crystal has been found in the Czech Republic, close to the area where this event occurred. This amazing stone was created by the heat of an extraordinary force most likely with more power than an atomic explosion.

The stones often have dark inclusions within them. It has been suggested that this may be a combination of meteoric matter and material from the area where it crashed, as the heat may have melded them together. Although some scientists believe it to be of extra-terrestrial origin, this cannot be confirmed.

How To Use Moldavite… How Will It Help You

moldavite06Its high energy makes it a ‘must have’ for any who are on the spiritual path. Often it is grouped with other stones of a high vibration and these combinations can be very powerful. This high crystal energy stone can be a powerful catalyst for making changes in personal relationships and circumstances.  Be warned, though;  Once you begin the journey there will be no going back.  Moldavite is a stone of transformation!

During meditation it may be used on its own or with other crystals as it will also raise the vibration of other stones that it is combined with. This will make the overall result much stronger.

A common outcome from its use is to help you to make contact with your spirit guides, and it has a powerful crystal energy that is known to stimulate occurrences of coincidence and synchronicity in your life.

Amethyst ~ The Sobriety Stone

A purple colored variety of Quartz, Amethyst forms as transparent to translucent crystals in all shades from deepest violet to pale lilac and white. Usually classified as a Lunar stone because of its power to influence the mind, dreams and the astral planes, Amethyst has been known to turn away bad luck, curses and negative energy. Most famously renowned for keeping its wearer free from drunkenness and excess, the stone can be used magically to keep you clear headed and free from unwelcome influences. It can balance logical reasoning and intuition in order to create a much deeper view of any situation.

The sacred stone of the priesthood, Amethyst can be worn by anyone who has spiritual or magical responsibility for others. Helps with meditation and makes a particularly good focus to concentrate on when you are learning this skill. Increases wisdom and spiritual power and helps make contact with higher guides and inspirational sources of creativity. It can often bring unexpected messages in the form of signs and strange coincidences.

Physically, Amethyst can help to alleviate headaches and migraines. It dispels nightmares and helps with insomnia. Amethyst can also reduce eyestrain, especially when working at a computer.

An Amethyst Dream Spell

Amethyst is good to use as an aid to encourage prophetic dreams.

You’ll need either an amethyst cluster or a smooth, polished amethyst stone you can hold.  At bedtime hold the amethyst and think or say:

“Send me the dream I should have, and tell me what I should know.”

Don’t try to control the dream by thinking about a specific issue. Let the amethyst do its job; don’t worry, it knows what to do. Then place the cluster on a beside table, or , if using a stone , put it beneath your pillow.  Relax and drift off to sleep. You should experience a clear dream. In the morning, record your dream and see if it comes true.

Imbolc Correspondences

(Candlemas * Brighid’s Day * Festival of Light * Brigantia)

This is the time to pay homage to the Mother Goddess for nurturing the young God as he continues to gain his strength.  A time for purification & cleansing, we prepare to bid farewell to the Winter and welcome the coming warmth. We sweep away what no longer serves us and light bonfires and candles to banish the darkness and welcome the light.  This day marks the onset of Spring, the beginning of new life in the belly of the Earth.

Imbolc Correspondences

This holiday is also known as Candlemas, or Brigid’s Day. The Celtic Goddess Brigid is the Goddess of Poetry, Healing, Smithcraft, and Midwifery. If you can make it with your hands, Brigid rules it. She is a triple Goddess, so we honor her in all her aspects. This is a time for communing with her, and tending the lighting of her sacred flame.  At this time of year, Wiccans will light multiple candles, white for Brigid, for the god usually yellow or red, to remind us of the passing of winter and the entrance into spring, the time of the Sun.

Imbolc is a time of magical energy related to the feminine aspect of the goddess, of new beginnings, and of fire. This is a good time for initiations, be they into covens or self-initiations.  It’s also a good time to focus on divination and increasing your own magical gifts and abilities. Take advantage of these concepts, and plan your workings accordingly


Gods: Cernunnos, Eros, Herne, Osiris, Pan
Goddesses: Aradia, Athena, Bast, Blaize, Brigid/Brighid, Ceres, Cerridwen, Demeter, Gaia, Hestia, Venus, Vesta
Colours: Lavender, Light Green, Orange, Pink, Red, White, Yellow
Tools: Besom, Bonfire, Brighid’s Bed, Candles, Cauldron, Garden Tools, Priapic Wand Symbols Besom, Brighid’s Cross, Candle, Corn Doll, Garden Tools, Lantern, Plough, Priapic Wand, White flowers Animals Burrowing animals, Ewes, Deer, Goats, Lambs
Herbs: Angelica, Basil, Bay, Blackberry, Celandine, Chamomile, Coltsfoot, Rosemary
Feast Food: Bread, Cakes, Dairy products, Seeds Feast Drink Blackberry tea, Chamomile tea, Milk, Spiced wine
Metals: Brass, Gold, Iron
Incense & Oils: Jasmine, Myrrh, Neroli Flowers Broom, Daffodils, Heather, Iris, Primrose, Snowdrop, Tansy Trees Evergreens, Willow
Gemstones: Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet Onyx, Ruby, Turquoise
Altar Decorations: Acorns, Brigid’s Cross, Corn Doll, Daffodils, Lanterns, Sun symbols, White flowers
Rituals & Spells: Awakening Rituals ~ Bride’s Bed ~ Bonfires ~ Candle Magic ~ Cleansing Rituals (especially sweeping with the besom) ~ Fertility Magic ~ Consecration of agricultural tools ~ Healing Magic & preparation of remedies ~ Hearth & Home blessings ~ Home Fire (extinguish & relight) ~ Initiation Rituals ~ Place a besom at the front door to symbolise purification & cleansing ~ Plough Decorating

Earth, Water and Fire ~ The Magic of Hand Thrown Pottery


When you begin, there is just earth.  The clay feels firm, unforgiving… resisting your touch at first.  As the energy of your touch permeates it, it starts to give little by little.  Then it is time to add the water.  Together, combined with the warmth of your hands and the speed of the wheel, the clay begins to give in to your will.  It begins to flow in concert with your touch, cascading beneath your fingers, ebbing like the tide being pushed and pulled by the moon.  You can’t help but feel the awe of the relationship between the two and how dramatically they can change each other.

fresh off the wheel

Once the water has helped the clay take form, it is almost unbelievable to think that this vessel was once simple a chunk of earth. The gentle curves that my hands helped shape are still very fragile, but will soon harden again into solid stone.

hand thrown bowls

Once the bowls have dried a bit more, it is time for them to take their final form. With steel tools, each is trimmed while there is still some water within the earth, allowing the tools to carve away the excess clay while the clay is still forgiving enough to part with it.   Another reminder of the intimate relationship the two elements share.

glazed prefired

When rest of the water has gone, it is time to add finish the piece by applying the glaze. Though I chose warm earth tones reminiscent of aged copper, the glaze is devoid of color; a deep matte black like a starless sky. And now, it is time for earth to meet fire.


The fire brings the pigments in the glaze to life, and the blackness that was there before is replaced by warm browns and vivid blues and greens.  As all of the remaining water is driven out of the clay by the intense heat, all that remains is earth… a solid stone vessel made with Water, Fire, and Earth waiting to become part of your magical practice.