Labradorite ~ The Seers Stone


Lore of the Inuit peoples claim Labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, an ordinary stone that transforms to the extraordinary, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms. It is, in every sense, a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. For self-discovery, it is excellent for awakening one’s own awareness of inner spirit, intuition and psychic abilities.

Labradorite is a crystalline form of Feldspar, often gray in composition but known for its “flash” or “flame” when it catches the light. When polished, dark gray Labradorite flashes with colors deep within, including blue, green and gold.

Highly mystical, Labradorite heightens intuition and enhances psychic abilities, making it great for working with the Third Eye Chakra. Intuition and intellect are balanced by Labradorite, illusions are dispelled and true intentions are seen more easily with its use. Labradorite is also very protective against negative energies, balancing, strengthening and protecting the aura and sealing the aura from energy leaks.

Labradorite is a stone of transformation and change. Labradorite enhances strength of will and feelings of inner worth. It is useful for bringing up and healing old memories, including past life issues. Labradorite can also help prepare the body and soul for ascension.

Labradorite can aid in communicating with our highest self and with the creator. It helps to assists when facing and navigating all types of changes and challenges, attracting strength and perseverance. Labradorite is one of the best stones to use when dealing with any type of addiction or to break unhealthy (physical, mental, etc.) habits.

Meditation with Labradorite

labradorite-gemstone-obelisksMeditating with Labradorite allows one to recognize humanity as “being of light,” transcending limitations of the past and thoughts of the future, and embracing the infinite possibilities of the moment. It allows one to “be” and rest assured the light is always there, surrounding and pure.

This simple meditation consists of focused breathing. (As a reminder, the natural way to breath is to push your diaphragm out while inhaling and to contract it while exhaling.) Inhale to the count of eight, and then exhale to the count of eight.

At first, focus on counting. This will help to dissolve the hold of distracting thoughts. As you continue to inhale and exhale, be aware of the passage of breath through your body. As you inhale, visualize it coming up through your feet and leaving through the crown chakra at the top of the head. Reverse the process for the exhale. If you prefer, imagine your breath coming in through the top of your head and exiting through your feet, again reversing for the exhale. Your awareness of the movement of breath is the main feature of this meditation.

labradorite_bleue_top_1_madacascarAs you continue to practice this meditation over time and become comfortable with following your breath, begin to pay particular attention to the third eye. Imagine your breath activating the energy of this chakra. Visualize labradorite’s flash stimulating your intuitive abilities; allow yourself to travel through its colors. Feel them spreading throughout your being.

Do this meditation for five to fifteen minutes. If you continue to practice it regularly, you may find that you can ask a question and learn an answer that’s helpful, either while you’re meditating or some time later on.

Sleeping with Labradorite

One way to continue your exploration and to remain receptive to the answers that may come is to put a labradorite beneath your pillow at night. Before you go to sleep, tell yourself that an answer will come in your dreams.

For this method to be most effective, some training in dream recall is helpful.

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