Gemstone Meditation

Stones speak to each person in a different way. Spend time with your stones and learn from them first-hand. They are by far the best teacher! This simple meditation is a great way to connect with the power in your gemstones.


Based on “The Stories of Stones” Meditation from Scott Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystals, Gems, and Metal Magic.

  1. Find a quiet spot.  Settle down comfortably before the stone. The stone should be within arm’s reach. Close your eyes and listen to your breath.  Breathe deeply and rhythmically.
  2. With your eyes still closed, hold out your receptive hand over the stone.  Don’t try and feel the stone’s energy.  Simply allow yourself to do so.
  3. When you can sense the stone, slowly pick it up and hold it in your receptive hand.  How does it change your mood?  Are you happier, energized, calmer, or relaxed?
  4. Now transfer the stone to your projective hand.  How does it feel?  Smooth or rough?  Warm or cool?
  5. Open your eyes and look at the stone, examining it while remembering the feelings and sensations you just experienced.
  6. Gaze at it for a while, as if seeing it for the first time. Note the shape, and imagine how it would feel to take that shape.  Note the color and let it expand to fill your entire awareness.  Imagine that you immersed in the stones energy.  Then listen and let it speak it’s truths to you.
  7. When you feel that you have learned as much as you are ready to receive, Lift it to the sky, thanking the Goddess for granting you the wisdom to learn from Earth’s gifts.  Then lower the stone and hold it to your heart center for a moment.  Thank the stone for staring its wisdom.  End by laying the stone back back on the ground, returning it to the earth. .
  8. After your meditation, look up the mystical qualities of your stone from a reputable source. See if it agrees with what you felt. It’s ok if it didn’t.  It’s possible the energy in your stone is as unique as the stone itself. Be sure to make notes about the experience in your Book of Shadows or Grimiore.

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